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Cloud Adoption & Migration

Are your IT teams struggling with the change required to move and operate services in the cloud?


Moving services to the cloud for traditional data centres is far more than getting the applications to function on this new infrastructure. Even if you are using infrastructure as a service, many support tools you may have today are not the best choice or even work in the cloud, so a full assessment of your tooling is required.


Not adopting a fully automated dev ops model from day one can create a tremendous amount of work later in gaining the primary efficiencies the cloud offers and with-it automatic scaling, so you only pay for what you need, not a complete replacement DC.


If you are embracing the cloud fully and then adopting serverless computing, then this will require entirely different training and skills, but again taking the plunge early will save later cost and open more access to the benefits of the cloud with AI and other off-the-shelf microservice plugins.


Then, as IT is most likely not your key business product offering but a means of delivering them, why not exploit organisations that treat cloud technology as their primary business by providing PaaS (Platform as a Service) or SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions?


Taking on such a solution is often seen as restrictive and not fully aligned with your current business operating models. However, if the service achieves the outcomes you are looking for, its process methods are most likely more efficient, as they did not carry all your baggage of the past IT that you have today.


So being open-minded and not putting up the “not being invented here” barriers could prove a way to take a giant leap forward. Once using such a platform, you have to dance to their change schedule, but this often comes with a continuous value-added improvement pipeline for your service at zero development cost. Also, a licenced model with automatic scaling means that your capacity management issues evaporate.


Why not ask Shaula Solutions to provide some of their insight into what they might do if they owned your business as part of a free consultation? They might surprise you and please you. 

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