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Requirements Capture

Do you find IT & business teams struggle to understand each other on requirements?


Our teams have a few sayings about this phenomenon for two groups that speak the same language but fail dismally to understand each other when talking about the same objectives in the same room.


  1. You might as well have IT teams talk Chinese, business teams talk French and finance teams speak German. Would we end up with the same shared understanding of the solution required? 

  2. If you ask a horse and carriage taxi driver what he wants, we will have a faster horse! Not an electric taxicab.


The issue we all face is that if we are unaware of something like the wheel, we will start re-inventing it from scratch.


Today’s rapid expansion of technology capability means that no one person or group can know all of what is available to solve your objectives. So there is a growing emphasis during requirements capture to collaborate and demonstrate the art of the possible to teams before we end up with a request for a faster horse.


This way, all involved start to embrace the art of the possible, and together we see new ways to achieve what we are setting out to, maybe even some unique additional benefits we could exploit on the way.


Shaula Solutions do not just collect requirements but engages proactively to educate and develop requirements aligned to technologies that can be implemented quickly and more cost-effective without reinventing the wheel.


Why not ask Shaula Solutions for a free consultation where we can review the sorts of thinking you could employ to accelerate your project's requirements capture?

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