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Is technology complexity resulting in difficulty in implementing your shared vision or technology roadmap?


Transforming your business during a scale-up or adoption of significant game-changing technologies comes with far more than the need to have the skills to operate such technology or guide the project to migrate to this technology.


Making this transformational change may need significant process changes in your operating models and potentially role and employee skills changes that can have knock-on effects on your employee's employment rights or even terms and conditions.


Having led many of these types of radical changes both from the operational impacted team side and the project leadership teams, getting the correct engagement and buy-in from all impacted teams early in the programme is critical.


This can be facilitated by showing these affected teams what the technology can do for them and getting them to dream and guide its use so they feel ownership of the product. This will speed up the early stages of Psychologist Bruce Tuckman’s model below.

An independent consultant, able to experience the transformation from each person's point of view and help them see other's point of view with the same clarity, is a great way to speed up and ultimately deliver your outcomes earlier.


Why not ask Shaula solutions to come in for a free demonstration of the clarity we use to close these gaps?


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